Here at Solid Custom Floor Coatings, we specialize in polyaspartic coatings. A question that we often get about our polyaspartic coatings is whether they will turn yellow or experience discoloration overtime. The simple answer to this question is that no, polyaspartic coatings will not turn yellow or become discolored. Our polyaspartic coatings are UV stable, will not be impacted by UV exposure, and come with a lifetime guarantee that they will not fade.
A polyaspartic coating is six times tougher than an epoxy coating. While epoxy coatings are a great choice for a protective coating, polyaspartic coatings may be a better choice if you are coating an area with high impact use, such as a garage floor. There is not a large cost gap between epoxy coatings and polyaspartic coatings, and because of the UV protection, many people opt for polyaspartic coatings.
Polyaspartic flooring often has a flake look that comes from vinyl paint chips. The chips create a texture on the floor that makes the floor less slick and more scratch resistant. There are also polyaspartic options that come in a quartz or solid style. This product can be used indoors or outdoors.
As far as indoor spaces, it does not really matter whether you choose epoxy vs. polyaspartic flooring. The design of the home will typically play some role in your choice of a flooring coating. Both of these types of flooring protectants require the concrete to be ground down in order for them to adhere to the surface of the concrete. This process can kick up a lot of dust, but our team carries equipment that has attached vacuums, so there should not be an issue with the dust following the installation.