DIY Epoxy Floors
If you are looking for a quick and easy way to get a coating for your garage floor that won’t break the bank, DIY epoxy kits are there for you. While professional garage floor coatings can be pricey, DIY epoxy kits will run you a few hundred dollars at their most expensive. DIY epoxy kits are a great way to cover up any imperfections in your garage floors as well as offer a measure of protection against potential stains.
Before you can apply your epoxy coating, you’ll need to ensure that you’re ready for the amount of work that will take. Cheap doesn’t mean easy, but if you are willing to put in the elbow grease, these kits can elevate the appearance and functionality of your garage floor.
Get Your Floors Done Right!
Before you can apply an epoxy kit, you need to prep the floor, so that it will adhere. At the minimum, you’ll need to clean, scrub, and acid etch your floors. The surface needs to be both smooth and free of any moisture or grease or oil stains. If your floor is cracked, you’ll need to fill them in, otherwise the epoxy won’t stick as well. If you don’t prep your floors correctly, you’ll run into problems with your coating.
You’ll need to ensure you have PPE (personal protective equipment) for the application, to protect yourself from the fumes and health hazards epoxy brings with it.
While DIY epoxy kits are a cheap way to get a coating on your floor, it’s important to note that not only are they a lot of effort up front, but in the long run too. This is because these kits aren’t very durable, are prone to hot-tire pickup (which is when the coating sticks to hot car tires), and wear down within mere years. If you go this route with your garage floors, you can expect to need to redo this process as frequently as once a year in order to keep your garage floors in good condition.
If you want someone else to go through the process of applying a DIY epoxy kit for you, we’re not the ones for you. A painting company or handy man can help you out, provided they have the necessary experience.
There are pros and cons to anything. Here’s what you need to know about the advantages and disadvantages of DIY epoxy kits.
Pros and Cons of DIY Epoxy Floors
The Pros
- They offer protection from the majority of stains.
- They come in several colors, making them customizable.
- They’re affordable.
- They offer moisture resistance.
- They’re easier to clean than concrete.
The Cons
- They aren’t the most durable and need to be replaced frequently.
- They show wear and tear within months.
- They’re not very chemical resistant.
- They aren’t good options for workshops or garages.
The Final Verdict!
Ultimately, it’s up to you to decide whether or not you want to use DIY epoxy kits. While we can’t help you apply them, we can offer you professional insight into your floor coating options. We offer high quality floor coating services that will last a lifetime, so if you’re looking for a more durable option for your garage floors, we can help you. Contact us today to learn more about your garage floor coating options.