Quartz Pool Deck Coatings and Cool Deck Finishes
If you are a pool owner, you’re well aware of the amount of time and maintenance pools require to remain functional and appealing. Even pool decks require extensive work to stay in good condition, since they are susceptible to cracking, chipping, shrinking, and popping at all times of the year. This can lower the curb appeal of your entire pool, as well as turn your deck into an unsafe space.
At Solid Garage Floor Coatings of Utah, we provide pool deck coating services so you can enjoy your deck and pool all time of the year. Pool deck coatings protect your concrete surfaces from harmful UV rays, water damage, and freeze-thaw conditions, protect your family from scorching hot concrete and slippery surfaces, and all around make outdoor living more enjoyable. They also give your pool that finishing touch, so that not only is it safer and stronger, it’s also more aesthetically pleasing.
Benefits of Pool Deck Coatings
If you are a pool owner there are many benefits to applying a durable coating, such as:
● Safety. Pool decks can wear down quickly over time and become very slippery,
especially in high-traffic areas. These slippery surfaces can lead to falls and serious
accidents, which is why having a coating installed can give you the peace of mind you
● Durability. Pool decks experience a lot of wear and tear, especially during the summer
months when the UV rays are constantly beating on them. These surfaces also need to
withstand moisture and provide a safe surface around the pool. Our pool deck coatings
can improve the durability of your deck significantly and increase the curb appeal of your
● Custom Look. We provide several options of colors and blends so your pool deck can
match the style and personality of the rest of your home. You can choose a unique
custom look, texture, and pattern to bring your home and landscape alive.
● Easy maintenance. Our deck coatings do not require hours of pressure washing and
sanding to obtain a smooth finish. Our coating systems are applied with a smooth and
beautiful finish that is durable and safe for you and your family.
● Slip-resistance. Pool surroundings can be very slippery and dangerous, which is why
we recommend having a coating applied to add a slip-resistant layer to the surface.
Even with consistent moisture and UV rays, once our coating is applied, your pool deck
will remain a steady and safe place to enjoy the outdoors.
● Cooler surface. There’s no need to worry about your pool deck scorching your feet. Our
cool pool deck coatings and quartz coatings keep your pool deck at a cooler, more
comfortable temperature.
Client Testimonials
View More TestimonialsKeep Your Pool Cool
Our cool pool deck coating is ideal for those who wish to turn down the heat on their pool deck’s concrete. It decreases the concrete’s heat retention by as much as 38%. For optimal comfort, go for a lighter color, so that your pool deck reflects heat, rather than absorbing it.
Our quartz pool deck coating also helps maintain a more comfortable temperature. With UV resistance and a solid barrier between your feet and your concrete, you can get your tan on without worrying so much about whether heat burning through your towel will cause you to flee indoors sooner than later.
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Stave Off Potential Damage
Whether you have a chlorinated pool or one with saltwater for a more beachy vibe, the water can damage your concrete. Spalling and cracking concrete not only looks bad, it also poses safety risks for those who walk on it. Our quartz pool coatings are especially good at preventing damage so that you can keep your pool in good condition for longer.
Plus, both our cool pool deck coatings and our quartz pool deck coatings are easy to clean. This prevents dirt from building up on them, which could led to issues such as premature concrete deterioration and mold growth. All you need is soap and water, and then voila, you have a more sanitary surface.
Enjoy Your Pool in No Time
Solid Garage Floor Coatings of Utah has developed an effective system to ensure each of our customers receives the best service and best quality coatings possible. With experienced technicians that have an eye for detail, we can install your poolside deck coating in a shorter time than other companies, and it’ll look better too. Enjoy your floor coating or pool deck sooner when you trust our experts with your pool deck coating needs.